How to call Secondary page for a main page…?Pushbutton PropertiesDoModal

There are two ways to call a secondary page from main page
1)      Setting  Pushbutton properties       
Note: every pushbutton should be associated with field of that page record.

2)      Domodal function:    The DoModal function displays a secondary page. Secondary pages are modal, meaning that the user must dismiss the secondary page before continuing work in the page from which the secondary page was called. To use Domodal function set the Destination as ‘PeopleCodeCommand’ in Pushbutton properties as shown below.
Note : Domodal is also used to call Standard page.  Can use more than one Domodal function in single event peoplecode to call more than one secondary page.
DoModal(PAGE.pagename, title, xpos, ypos, [level, scrollpath, target_row])
Any variable declared as a Component variable will still be defined after using a DoModal function.
DoModal should not be used in the following peoplecode events:
Any PeopleCode event that fires as a result of a ScrollSelect, ScrollSelectNew, RowScrollSelect or RowScrollSelectNew function call.
Returns a number that indicates how the secondary page was terminated. A secondary page can be terminated by the user clicking a built-in OK or Cancel button, or by a call to the EndModal function in a PeopleCode program. In either case, the return value of DoModal is one of the following:
  • 1 if the user clicked OK in the secondary page, or if 1 was passed in the EndModal function call that terminated the secondary page.
  • 0 if the user clicked Cancel in the secondary page, or if 0 was passed in the EndModal function call that terminated the secondary page.
Example :
DoModal(PAGE.EDUCATION_DTL, MsgGetText(1000, 167, "EducationDetails - %1", EDUCATN.DEGREE), - 1, - 1, 1, RECORD.EDUCATN, CurrentRowNumber());
 EndModal :
The EndModal function closes a currently open secondary page. It is required only for secondary pages that do not have OK and Cancel buttons. If the secondary page has OK and Cancel buttons, then the function for exiting the page is built in and no PeopleCode is required.
 Example :
The following statement acts as an OK button:
The following statement acts as a Cancel button:
IsModal :
IsModal returns True if executed from PeopleCode running in a modal secondary page and False if executed elsewhere. This function is useful in separating secondary page-specific logic from general PeopleCode logic.
If Not IsModal() Or
   Evaluate COUNTRY
   When = "USA"
   When = "CAN"
      If Not AllOrNone(ADDRESS1, CITY, STATE) Then
         Warning MsgGet(1000, 5,"Address should consist of at least Street (Line 1), City, State, and Country.")
      If Not AllOrNone(ADDRESS1, CITY, COUNTRY) Then
         Warning MsgGet(1000, 6, "Address should consist of at least Street (Line 1), City, and Country.")


  1. wow that was a great synopsis

  2. Hey Hi Ismail,

    that was nice context, one doubt what if i need to disable only OK/Cancel Button on secondary page without using our customized buttons.
